It is an inevitable part of life that we will experience some sort of loss; whether this be the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the breakdown of a relationship. And with every experience of loss, there are often feelings of sadness and sorrow, which we also call ‘grief’.
The intensity and duration of grief varies from person to person. Typically, when a person is grieving they may become more withdrawn and experience a change in mood. Any triggers relating to the loss experienced, may also lead the person to feel their pre-existing feelings (like sadness) more intensely. Often when people grieve they feel like they do not know what to do with themselves, because their sense of familiarity has changed. It is not uncommon for people who experience extreme loss, such as the death of a life partner, to also feel depressed.
Grief is a perfectly normal (albeit painful) part of life, and it is important to acknowledge and process your grief so it does not cause longstanding mood or behaviour problems (such as excessive drug and alcohol use). Accepting your feelings, and giving yourself time to accept the situation, are both integral parts of the healing process that will help you take the appropriate steps to move forward.
Our Clinical Psychologists really value using a kind and compassionate approach to help you express your feelings of loss, and to help you move forward as you keep healing. We look forward to helping you cope more effectively.